We have rich experience in processing payroll agenda to any extent necessary and to fully comply with client´s requirements.
Our company provides external payroll services for variously sized companies. These services include annual income tax settlement for employees as well as calculation of corporate duties such as the annual employment and the withholding taxes statements. Payroll accounting services in acccordance with Slovak legislation are also provided. Zpracování mzdové agendy samozřejmě zahrnuje také zastupování na České správě sociálního zabezpečení, zdravotních pojišťovnách, finančních úřadech i úřadech práce.
Payroll accounting agenda processing includes:
- processing of salaries and wages according to delivered documents,
- keeping of wage sheets
- management of personal records for pension insurance form
- preparation of monthly reports of social and health insurance, incl. electronic submission to the respective authorities,
- monthly output records – payroll recapitulation for accounting purposes in the required structure, payslips, payment orders for payments of salaries and payments to health insurace companies, Social Security Administration and tax authorities
- annual income tax settlement for employees requesting it within the statutory deadline,
- issuance of output documents for employees who terminate their employment,
- issuance of confirmation of taxable income and other reports requested by employees,
- submission of registration/deregistration of employees to health insurance companies and social authorities within the statutory period,
- preparation and submission of annual reports of company to Tax Authority (annual employment and withholding taxes statement)
- representation of clients during social and health insurance inspectionst,
- notification of non-resident workers to the Labor Offices
- salary deductions to employees in accordance with delivered documentation
In addition, the following HR consultations are provided – labour contracts, agreements to complete a job, agreements on termination of labour contracts, preliminary calculations of wages, agreement to work outside the scope of employment etc.
More than 20 years of tradition and experience
Having more than 20 years of tradition and experience, Tau Praha Ltd. has been continuously providing services in the area of tax, accounting, economic and payroll accounting.
We are a legal entity providing tax advisory registered at Chamber of Tax Advisors.
Complete accounting, tax and payroll services
Our general aim is to save our clients´ time for their business activities and help them avoid difficulties regarding the economically-related agenda or requiring the knowledge of accounting /tax laws.
For domestic and for foreign companies. For non-profit organizations.
All under one roof
Our accounting services, tax advisory, payroll agenda and consultations are provided duly and timely, of exceptional quality and in accordance with law.
We guarantee our clients exceptional quality of work, we cope with all entrusted agenda.
Our clients are guaranteed continuous substitut ability. There is no need to worry about the situation that your employees getillor leave for vacation. All tasks can be easily handled by our office.